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Savings Account Transaction Limits

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Savings Account Transaction Limits

Savings accounts are limited to six transactions per month. Transactions conducted in person at a GenFed branch, or at an ATM, do not count toward the six transaction limit.  The list below shows when transfers and withdrawals count toward your transaction limit.

Limited Transfers and Withdrawals

Transfers or withdrawals made to another account of the same GenFed Member if made via:

Transfers or withdrawals made to a third party, or to an account at another financial institution, if made via:

Transfers to a third party, or to an account at another financial institution, if made via:

Limited Transfers and Withdrawals

Transfers for the purpose of repaying a loan at GenFed.  Withdrawals made via check mailed to the member.

Account to account transfers of the same member made via:

Withdrawals from the account if made via: